Xiong Xuanguo, vice-minister of Justice
Xiong Xuanguo, vice-minister of Justice, called for a focus on socialist legal system research on Nov 4 in an expert review seminar on legal theoretical research and the rule of law.
Xiong pointed out that the legal connotation of socialism with Chinese characteristics was expounded in the report of the 19th CPC National Congress and supporting measures for deepening judicial system reform were also proposed.
Xiong indicated that the Ministry of Justice and the legal field have common origins. Judicial administration reform must be alert to the guiding functions of theory, especially in urgent problems in public legal service system construction and distribution and optimization of judicial administration power, both of which have theoretical and practical dimensions.
To give full play to the guiding role of research projects in national legal construction and theoretical research, it's necessary to explicitly define their orientation, according to Xiong.
It's necessary to adapt to the new condition of rule by law, clarify research priorities and orientation and focus on major theoretical and practical issues about socialist legal system construction, judicial reform and judicial administration reform, Xiong said.
He also advocated transformation of research achievements and increased publicity for theoretical research achievements of the Ministry of Justice into an important platform for judicial reform and further study.